Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Profile: Why do they Hate Natalee?

Well my name is Peter, I am almost 37 (31st of august I turn 37) and I    live in a town calSittardtGeleenleen.
I went to school for most of the years of my youth, I did mavomahavohavo    atheneumneum. My favorite subjects wenglishlish and history. After going to    atheneumneum I was bored with going to school and decided to take one year off    before either going to university or a school for becoming a professionalenglishlish translator.
I worked in factories, shops, drove a forklift, loaded trucks because I    hated being unemployUnfortunatlyatly the one year sabbatical turned into    several years.
I  fell into the trap of gambling and became a serious addict loosing tens    of thousands of dollars between my 21st and my 29th. I became unemployed again    and started with a special education that was provided by the employment    agency to become an administrative logistical employee. I aced the education    and started working fojapanesenese multinational in the Netherlands who    imported reflective and non-reflective foils.
I went to work there as a logistical employee in charge of the partial    customs warehouse (partial because the customs admin was still in the hands of    the dutch customs office we were working with) and the partial customs    admin. I improved the administration and the way the customs warehouse was    managed and achieved in transforming our warehouse into a full customs    warehouse with all the trimmings (and responsibilities). After three years I    was tired of lumbersomesjapanesenese way of working and I was offered a   similar position at the dubelgiangian importer of Chrysler/Jeep and I changed    bosses.
When I arrived there the customs situation was the same, a partial    customs warehouse and corresponding admin. situation. In 6 months I achieved    transforming the organisation and the admin to the point of achieving full    customs warehouse there too. I was head of the customs business and enjoyed my    job immensely. I was a real office bloke but was never too lame to help out if    push came to shove and worked on the lot a fair bit too if people got sick or    where unavailable on short notice.
It was a good job but in the third year of working there I started    getting real problems with my health. Now I had always been overweight and had    problems with asthma but I could handle that easily. During that third year I    started having immense pains in my face (right side only). They thought it    might be a tooth but I MRI'sRI's and everything and  nothing was found. I    didn't have an infection either.
It took the doctors about 7 months of testing and thinking before they    found what was wrong with me (through a process of elimination). It's calledtrigeminusinus neuralgia and is a disorder of the facial nerve on one side of the    face (in my case the right side) which causes me to have pain-attacks that    feel like every tooth on the right side of my face is having toothache all at    the same time.
Working in my old workplace proved impossible because I had commercial    duties also and that meant talking a lot (something that can cause an attack    of pain). Also Chrysler/Jeep had sold the company and it was pulling out of    there because of their merger with Mercedes (who had their own warehouse less    then 5 miles down the road) so my workplace vanished and the company fell on    real hard times.
I was laid off and spent almost a year on sick-benefuntilltill I was    tested for disability. Now in the past I would have been declared disable for    my job but in the new system they don't look at your condition but what you    could conceivably do on jobmarketrket (even if you don't have the degrees or    experience to do that work).
The work-expert said I could become a librarian (need a special training)    and other non-available or not-suitable jobs for me that I could do and still    earn a decent living (no more than 15% less than my previous career).
That was more than 2 years ago and I have been looking for work ever    since, officially I am called work-disabled and that makes finding work much    more difficult.
About a year ago I found a job (service-chauffeur) picking people up from    airports in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium but after following a course    for that job (first aid, etc.) we started working for about a wuntilltill the    company got shut down because they hadn't  done their paperwork for the    company. Since then the whole company has gone belly-up.
So that's my story, I am curious is anyone is to follow


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